25 Juli 2009

Oemar Dhani

Air Marshal Oemar Dhani (born on January 23, 1924), commander of the Indonesian Air Force from 1962 until 1965, has died yesterday at 1:55 PM. He was very loyal to Soekarno in Old Order regime and got arrested by the New Order regime, led by Soeharto. Became one of the sacrifice of otoritarian government, he got sent into jail in December 1966 because of illogical accusation supported 30 September Movement in 1965. He accused had involved in the coup of Soekarno regime. Oemar Dhani released from jail in 1995 and became one of the main sources for research into the Air Force's role during the coup.

Rest In Peace, Opa Oemar!

Laboratory Assistant Selection

I followed the written test, presentation test, and interview session for the selection of Laboratory Assistant of Praktikum Perancangan Sistem Kerja & Ergonomi yesterday. I wish I'll get accepted.

23 Juli 2009

Diskusi Masa Depan

Pernah ga sih lo ngebayangin gimana kehidupan lo 10-15 tahun lagi?

Buat yang berharap atau menduga gw mau ngejelasin tentang langkah-langkah menggapai impian, motivasi, 3 langkah mencapai sukses dan sebagainya, lo agak keliru.
Siapa gw berani ngajarin hal-hal seperti itu? Gw yakin sekarang" ini banyak banget orang yang jauh lebih kompeten dan dapat dipercaya buat ngelakuinnya

Gw cuma ngajak diskusi santai aja sih. Ini terinspirasi dari kata-kata temen gw, Naya dalam perjalanan Cipelang,Sukabumi-Jakarta pulang dari survey TKH HIMTRI kemaren (ini udah lewat jam 12 kan yah?). Perjalanan panjang (3,5 jam aje) yang menyenangkan bareng Audri (yang punya mobil!), Tomo (yang nyetir pulang-balik....latian bawa mobil ke Padang), Naya (ketua TKH 2009-"pemodal" perjalanan), Daru (yang minta "kisi-kisi" selama perjalanan pulang), Gilang (yang ngerokok dan menjadi narasumber dadakan telaah budaya sepanjang perjalanan).

Naya cerita imajinasi dia soal gimana harus ngejawab kalo 10 tahunan lagi ketemu anaknya Gilang dan ditanya "Tante, dulu Ayah pas kuliah kayak gimana sih?"
Saran gw nay, jawaban terbaik adalah "Wah lebih baik kamu ga usah tahu nak"

Kira-kira gimana ya kehidupan kita, lo dan temen-temen lo di masa depan?

lo udah nikah apa belom? sama siapa? punya anak? berapa cewek berapa cowok?
apakah lo jadi juragan perumahan atau malah pusing mikirin kredit rumah?

ga beli mobil karena cinta lingkungan dan kerja di deket rumah...
atau karena utang yang lain masih numpuk?

berapa banyak temen yang punya hubungan cukup baik dengan lo untuk mengundang lo ke pesta pernikahan, bahkan ulang tahun anaknya?

apakah Ahmad anak Rohis nantinya ke gereja dan Yohanes sholat lima waktu?

apakah lebih banyak temen lo yang ngebangun sekolah gratis, ngerampok, atau korupsi?

berapa banyak temen lo yang ngajak reunian, at least inget lo...
dan berapa banyak yang lupa pernah kenal sama lo?

Dan banyak lagi. Yah, iseng-iseng aja sih. Semoga bisa merangsang kita selalu melakukan yang terbaik buat masa depan kita.

Gw puas banget sama survey kemaren. Cukup menghasilkan, dan terangkat obrolan-obrolan yang ga muncul di hari-hari biasa. Perjalanan somehow menciptakan keadaan yang beda. Kayak Nicholas Saputra dan Adinia Wirasti aja di 3 hari untuk selamanya. Menurut lo gimana?

14 Juli 2009

Full-Day Meeting

"Before we win/success, we need to fall/fail. Running is the condition of almost fallen. Balls bounced up after they slammed."

Contrast with this Sunday, this Monday was full-day meeting for me.

At 10 AM, I joined meeting with HIMTRI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Industri) fellas about Temu Keakraban Himpunan. Overall, the meeting held well and very fun. I just have concern in improvement of time efficiency in the meeting.
The biggest issue was transportation. The fact is we were late in borrowing bus from campus, it already booked by other organization. Rent vehicle is a must then, that require quite high cost. However, besides the transportation and some logistical issue, until now the preparation is on the right track.

After the meeting ends I had a bit discussion, and directly went to attend monthly meeting in BNEC secretariat. I looked at my cellphone and found out that I will come late like about 5-10 minutes. I met Winardi on pathway to secre. "Huff...Maybe I'm late, but I'm not the only one". Yeah I know it is wrong perspective, but you know however condition like that make us feel a bit secure.

Winardi and me went to secre together, and found out that less than twenty people has been there. Most of the others had gone home to their hometown, most likely. Only some others that was come after us (great discipline guys!)

The meeting was started with general achievement after congress meeting (about one month ago) and some opportunity for us like NEO PM bid, Cadre Forming committee. Then, Bryan shared his experience in ASEAN +3 Youth Caucus, the similarity of BNEC value and concern of the participating countries in the Caucus.
After that, all divisions communicated our results this month, self-evaluation, and plan for the next month.Bryan reminded me to finish CRD procedure to evaluate other division, then. (Widya - (CRD Manager).......You go hometown and leave me !!! Ckckck)

I decided to register as Cadre Forming, so I should stay after the meeting for interview session. I got interviewed by Josua and Zilvia, and passed the session good enough, I think.
Hopefully I will be received to be the committee, then. Wish me luck, guys!

Gelang Sipatu Gelang

Memoir of BNEC Newscasting Competition

Good afternoon readers, back with me again on wordsparty.blogspot.com. Our first news come from Makassar.

What the..?
No, you're not reading a news blog. Hahaha. I'm just recollecting my experience in BNEC Newscasting Competition (NC) two months ago. In that my first and only (until now..) newscasting competition, I was nothing to lose at all and just wanna 'catch the real experience' (it was the exact tagline of the competition,haha)
However, just like when exam or some kinds of those held..You become nervous when it started.

NC was held in three round, without any elimination.
First Round : Individual Newscasting
Second Round : Tag Newscasting
Third Round : Interview

The judges are : Marketing Communication Lecturer; BNEC alumnus - he is working related with public speaking, as I remember -; and Miss Zelda. Yeah you're right, that smart beautiful anchor of Metro TV!

I was a bit nervous, but it decreased round-by-round. In the first round, my biggest mistake was after I mis-read some words and done something that must not done by any real anchor in the world (said 'eh', although I could managed the situation at the end).

In the tag newscasting, I felt relaxed but my voice not constant in loudness.

In the third round, basically I managed the condition well. I didn't read the clue often and let the interview flew naturally.

After all, Although I was only announced as the 20th out of thirty something, it was very fun and great. I was very satisied that I had decided to register and participated as participant.

So, Does anyone know any newscasting competition with low registration fee in the near future? Yeah I'm interested to join, but LOW REGISTRATION FEE is a must. Okay? Sip. Hehehe

Any related stories? Just feel free to share guys, I'm very grateful to know.

Well, that's all the news for today. For more information, log on to wordsparty.blogspot.com.


13 Juli 2009

Blackberry Curve versus 'Extraordinary' PC

July 12th, 2009 is the day of take-a-rest for me. I slept, woke up, and slept again almost all day long. Had some fun listening rocket rockers and fugu, sing along and yelled while doing Industrial Statistics assignment.
Oh yeah, my sister bought a new blackberry curve! Yeah, with our very very 'fast and smart' PC that really really need any possible upgrades, she decided to bought BB first. Ow ow ow, blackberry fever all-around the city. Consumerism rules.

Efek Rumah Kaca - Belanja Terus Sampai Mati (Shopping Until You Die?)

.......Tapi tapi itu hanya kiasan
Juga juga suatu pembenaran
Atas bujukan setan hasrat yang dijebak zaman
Kita belanja terus sampai mati........

Some minutes after midnight, I turned on the PC to revise monthly report format for BNEC monthly meeting. FYI, BNEC is Bina Nusantara English Club, an English Club (stupid explanation,eh?) in my campus. I'm the staff of Control, Research and Development Division for this period.

I'm also would like to search in the web and enjoy a song titled 'Pesta' - Rocket Rockers version, but the speaker can't be turned on! Crap.

This is the condition...sometimes it can turned on, sometimes not. I've checked, and there isn't any problem with the electricity source. Is anyone of you have any clue about this?

Today Farewell Song :

Rocket Rockers - Pesta

Di dalam pesta, ada pita-pita musik yang keras! juga derai canda!
Di dalam pesta, ada gelak tawa, t'rasa malam semakin ceria!
Di dalam pesta buanglah duka, biarkan saja angan-angan lepas!
Di dalam pesta mari berdansa, ambil langkah ikuti irama!

Gerakkan kakimu kekiri dan kekanan
langkahkan kedepan dan bentuklah putaran
Sepanjang malam terus pesta
Sepanjang malam sampai pagi menjelang

Pesta... pora... Pesta... pora...

Di dalam pesta buanglah duka, biarkan saja angan-angan lepas!
Di dalam pesta mari berdansa, ambil langkah ikuti irama!


11 Juli 2009

Here It Comes

Day by day, month by month, I was just seeing and blogtravelling around, and left my previous weblog not maintained anymore. Many things could be used as the reason, but let's just leave the excuse.
Plan. Do. Act. Colour the universe! Inspired from those words, here it comes the new one...the stepping stone, my turnaround points to recharge my spirit!!


I wish you can take a look, have fun, and enjoy this fresh new blog.
